Welcome to the British Columbia Chronicles!

Newspaper, magazine and book readers who are familiar with the byline T.W. Paterson—‘British Columbia’s Pierre Berton’—will know what to expect:

Fascinating weekly columns that capture the colour, excitement and intrigue of Canada’s westernmost frontier, and much much more.


In a newspaper, editorial content is restricted to fitting between and around the ads that pay the freight. This is not a concern for www.britishcolumbiachronicles.ca. Content is king!

As there’s no denying that a picture is worth a thousand words and that we live in a visual age, the Chronicles also offers a treasury of archival and rare photos and special features—more, in fact, of everything in the way of entertaining historical content.

History is dull and boring, some say? Don’t you believe it!

History is a living, breathing organism, and we’re all participants. The world—our world—is recovering from pandemic, something most of us would have associated with the Plague of the Dark Ages, or the Spanish Flu epidemic of just over a century ago. But it happened again, in our lifetime, and our world is never going to be the same.

In this modern age of international tension and crises what better way to relax, enjoy—and learn—than by sitting back with a cup of tea and reading the latest offerings from one of British Columbia’s most prolific historical writers?

T.W. Paterson has been chronicling British Columbia history since he was 14; that’s a long time and millions of words in print. With no end in sight!

There’s much more to come, here on the online www.BritishColumbiaChronicles.ca. A 1-year subscription fee of $24 for 52 weekly posts is less than 50 cents a week.

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What you can expect with The Chronicles online…

Here’s a sampling of articles…click on them, and enjoy the read. Find out what you can expect when you subscribe to British Columbia Chronicles. The Chronicles Thursday Edition will arrive in your mailbox each Thursday, bigger, bolder and better than ever before!


Coming next on The Chronicles…