As I admitted last week, too late did I realize I had the perfect play on the popular Spaghetti western movie title, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.
But with a difference—women.
By too late, I meant the correct sequence: I’d already led with Belle Castle, The Bad (in the sense she was a ‘fallen’ woman who redeemed herself too late for love). making Nellie Cashman, The Good, the second instalment by default.
But now we’re back on track now with The Ugly.
Chronicles readers familiar with this iconic movie will remember that Clint Eastwood was The Good (in name if not in fact), Eli Wallach (who stole the show in my opinion) was The Bad, and Lee Van Cleef (“the man with no eyes”) was The Ugly.
But back to the Chronicles: If Nell was The Good and Belle The Bad, that leaves Agnes as The Ugly. I’m withholding her full name so readers can’t Google her and steal my thunder.
You can read all about her in next week’s Chronicles.
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