Lost treasure is where you find it...

Lost treasure is where you find it—quite possibly under your very nose!

I offer this as encouragement to armchair enthusiasts who confine their treasure hunting to books, television, movies and daydreams. Ironically, few realize that, while there definitely is gold in some of 'them thar hills,' it can also exist, in various forms, much closer to home.

It might well, in fact, be under your very nose, unsuspected, at this precise moment.

Don’t believe me?

How about these recent newspaper headlines:

• Unopened Nintendo game from 1987 sells for $870,000
• GP finds painting in Courtenay thrift store that could be worth a small fortune
• Rare Coin in a Candy Tin Sells At Auction For $350,000

Or, better yet, the so-called Saddle Ridge Hoard. I quote:

“One day in April 2014, a California couple was on a walk with their dog when they found a metal can sticking out of the ground, according to Dan Whitcomb of Reuters. Rusted from age, they were able to open the can after digging it out finding a large cache of gold coins inside...”

Okay, that one’s a real exception. But don’t kid yourself; treasure, like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder. Some valuables can look to be anything but.

I’ll tell you about some interesting treasures closer to home that have, in some cases, enriched their finders, in next week’s Chronicles.

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