“Nuggets” in the News – and in the Mail
As I’ve said so many times before, history just keeps on coming.
Everywhere I go, every time I open my mail, every time I read the paper, there’s something ‘old’ in the news. So often lately that they’re ganging up on me. So, next week I open my mail bag and my clippings and email files and share with you some of these news stories whose roots are firmly in the past.
Some of them may surprise you. I promise they will entertain you.
That’s next week in the Chronicles.
PS: Speaking of email, some of my best leads over the years have come through suggestions of Chronicles readers, over the 23 years of publication in the Cowichan Valley Citizen, and in the months since they’ve been online. Often they arrive as a comment to a published post, sometimes they’re requests for specific subjects and, often, they’re requests for information.
I do my best to respond and I remind readers that I’m always open to queries, suggestions, even (grrrr) corrections. Just keep in mind that I’ve never made a mistake in print—that I’ve admitted to.
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