The Mysterious Michael Ney, RCN

For years I’ve been a devoted fan of garage sales, flea markets and thrift stores, always watching for the useful, the exotic and the unique—at least as I define the terms.

One of the more outstanding treasures turned up in a community 'free store' on Gabriola Island years ago. It’s a framed colour photo of a church memorial window. Not in itself a real turn-on for me.

But that changed when I read the penned caption. It identified the window as a memorial for Michael F.A.Ney, RCN. RCN stands for Royal Canadian Navy, of course.

According to the caption, he was killed “while serving against the Mau Mau, October 31st, 1954”.

What they hey? The Mau Mau were an independence movement in Kenya!

I knew there had to be a story here so the photo was worth the $10 asking price.

But it was only last year, thanks to faithful
Chronicles reader and avid researcher Jim La Bossiere that I was able to learn more about the enigmatic Michael Ney, RCN.

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