Did Notorious Civil War Guerrilla Leader Escape to Vancouver Island? – Conclusion

Whoever John Sharp may have been, his death was as violent as that of William Clarke Quantrill’s. Shortly after the newspaper stories appeared stating Quantrill was alive, John Sharp died as a result of a brutal beating.

Then began the greatest myth of the “Mystery Man of Quatsino:” the tale of a 40-year-long grudge and murder of vengeance.

According to the legend two Americans who’d suffered at the hands of Quantrill’s raiders during the war, upon seeing newspaper claiming “Quantrill lives....!" journeyed northward on a mission of revenge.

With murder in mind, the pair, said to be “obviously Southerners,” found Sharp at isolated Coal Harbour.

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PHOTO: Unlike these ‘regular’ Union soldiers, Quantrill and his men—and those of Capt. Terrell who hunted him down—were civilian guerrillas. —Wikipedia Commons