Vancouver Island’s ‘Lost Spanish Mine’

Does a mystery tunnel, complete with steps carved into a solid rock cliff—and a cache of gold bars—exist in a Vancouver Island rain forest? 

It’s one of our most fascinating legends.

The answer to this mystery would solve what must be one of British Columbia’s most intriguing tales of lost treasure—and the key lies within 25 miles of Victoria! 

I told the story of the so-called Lost Spanish Mine in my first book, Treasure, British Columbia, way back in 1971, based on articles I’d written for The Daily Colonist weekend magazine in the 1960’s.

Because my account has been pirated and published many times over the years. you may have read some or much of this elsewhere. But I wrote it first and, like any prospector worth his salt, I’m staking my claim to it!

That’s next week in the Cowichan Chronicles. 

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PHOTO: There has been considerable placer mining activity on Vancouver Island, also, to a lesser degree, lode (hard rock) mining—but a tunnel driven into the rock face with a series of hand-carved steps and gold ingots? —Author’s Collection